Monday, December 31, 2012

Up and Running!

To my small following of blog readers...this is an apology.  Shortly after my last blog entry in February of 2011 I hit a major obstacle in my marathon training.  I found out just a month before running the St. Louis Marathon that I was pregnant with a fourth little shaker!  My blog slipped from my mind as nausea and tiredness set in.  I felt unfit to run April's marathon.  I bowed out, sure that I would revisit this challenge again. So...with another sweet baby shaker on my hip...I'm back! I've more running experience under my belt this time around (ever heard of the Bourbon Chase?) and just this past weekend I set a PR of 21 miles. I'm registered for round 2, St. Louis Marathon, April 2013. This time around I've a bit more vying for my attention- a fourth shaker and (betcha didn't know!) we have been homeschooling for a year now! There have been several huge changes in life, but my goal is the same...RUN that marathon!

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